Berkshire Regional Planning Commission - May 16, 2024

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I. a) Call to Order 00:00:12

I. b) Roll Call 00:01:44

I. c) Minutes Mar./21/2024 00:04:32

II. Comments from BRPC Delegates 00:06:19

III. Comments from the Public 00:07:40

IV. Presentation of Executive Committee Actions 00:07:57

V. Presentation MassDOTs vision Passenger Rail 00:10:09

VI. BRPC Vote to approve 2025-2029 TIP 00:47:14

VII. Authorize BRPC Chair to approve UPWP 01:03:26

VIII. Vote to Submit CEDS Performance Report 01:22:08

IX. BRPC Budget FY 2025 01:48:14

X. Exec. Committee to act on behalf of the Commission 01:52:04

XI. Exec. Directors' Report 01:53:25

XII. Adjournment 01:54:46

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