Pittsfield School Committee Meeting - July 22, 2024

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I. A. Call to Order 00:00:04

I. B. Roll Call 00:00:30

I. C. Pledge of Allegiance 00:00:44

I. D. Moment of Silence 00:01:18

II. A. Participation by the Public 00:04:56

II. B. Communication by the Chair 00:05:18

II. C. Participation by the School Committee 00:06:09

II. D. Reports of Subcommittees 00:09:19

III. A. Report of the Superintend 00:09:22

IV. A. Essential Elements Music Class 00:22:04

IV. B. Second Reading of Adoption of Textbooks 00:23:00

IV. C. University of Florida Literacy Institute Program 00:23:36

IV. D. Modern Woodworking 00:24:08

V. A. Approval of Overnight Field trip 00:24:37

V. B. Report on cell phone use 00:26:17

VI. A. Approval of minutes 01:10:46

VI. B. Personnel Report 01:12:22

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