Pittsfield Airport Commission - September 3, 2024

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1. Call to Order 00:00:00

2. Roll Call 00:00:33

3. Public Comment Period 00:01:22

4. Review and approval of the minutes from the previous meting 00:06:27

6. Review and approval/ acceptance of the estoppel agreement with Navisun 00:07:07

7. Update from the Airport's Consultant (Gale Associates) 00:11:49

5. Update from the Airport's Solar Developer (Navisun) 00:11:55

7. Update from Airports consultant (Gale Associates) 00:31:49

8. Financials review (FY24 end budget, FY24 end revenue, and annual comparison) 00:38:48

9. Airport Manager's report (routine updates of operations, administration, and projects) 00:52:50

10. Adopt new airport logo and style guide 01:12:39

11. Request from Richard Jaffe (owner of N628MR, PSF based aircraft) regarding landing fees 01:34:11

12. Review and approval of Hanger 7-7 lease proposal 01:47:19

13. a. Annual Elections - Chair 02:23:44

13. b. Annual Elections - Vice Chair 02:24:20

13. c. Annual Elections - Signing Authority 02:24:48

14. a. Liaison Assignments - Capital Improvements 02:26:04

14. b. Liaison Assignments - Outreach 02:26:30

14. c. Liaison Assignments - Personnel 02:27:15

14. d. Liaison Assignments - Policy 02:27:32

14. e. Liaison Assignments - Rates & Charges 02:27:42

15. Adjournment 02:29:08

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