Pittsfield School Building Needs Commission - October 1, 2024

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1. A. Call to Order 00:00:00

1. B. Roll Call 00:00:19

II. A. Participation by the Public 00:01:01

III. A. Approval of Minutes 00:01:17

II. B. Communication by the Chair 00:01:55

IV. Information and Proposals -A. Drummey, Rosane, and Anderson (DRA) Pittsfield Public Schools Facilities and School Structure Study final report review 00:05:30

V. New Business - A. Review of the August 27, 2024, MSBA Senior Study visit to Crosby Elementary and Silvio O. Conte Community Schools. 00:53:19

V. New Business - B. Informational update related to the Pittsfield High School boiler installation 00:58:00

V. New Business - C. Informational update related to the Taconic High School air conditioning 01:01:25

VI Adjournment 01:04:50

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